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Refresh availabilityKALICHANA, Medellín 2011
An homage to my brother Caliche. Besides being my compadre and great cultivator, he was the great friend of whom I learned to love life and my work.
Passionate about sport and companion of a thousand adventures, he adored "La yerba del Cauca". In this particular region it's produced Mango Biche, also called "Kalichana" because of its proximity to the city of Cali.
Created in the year 2011, Kalichana, it is my tribute to his person and to his cheerful and festive character. Using the much sought-after Mango Biche as a Colombian mother and a Seattle Blue (Miami 1995) as father, we have created this "dead-awaker" with mango flavour and sweet-sour smell.
A perfect combination, with lucid effects and helping combat fatigue and laziness. A humble way to keep him alive in the memory of cannabis culture.
Love you, my Rosqui!